Sometimes the immense joy of ordering your own gear might be ruined by the eternal waiting for your gear parts to be manufactured. Due to covid-19 many manufacturers have big delays and sometimes the waiting could be measured in months. It’s a global problem. If you are a big guy, safety conscious and don’t want to wait, take a look at this offer. Brand you gear Ready-To-Jump to grab and start skydiving even tomorrow. Well… without counting shipment to you or picking it up here in Seville.
This is a very elegant and universal set that suits everybody’s taste. Well known and tested SWS Fire 1 container with Sonic 220 ft main canopy, reserve WP 190 ft and of AAD Cypres 2. It has virtually one jump to control the canopy opening and correct assemble. Such details only with us! skydive_atmosfera_state_of_mind ;). With us you are safe and perfectly attended.
If you wing load is requiring and your experience is just evolving , this canopy’s size will save you from many troubles, such as off landing among obstacles, cross wind, no wind, down wind, bumpy wind close to the ground.
Get her here